Welcome to the EPSEVG
The Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering is a university school in Vilanova i la Geltrú that is part of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
The EPSEVG has a history that goes back a hundred years and deep roots in the city of Vilanova i la Geltrú and the county of Garraf. Our close links to the industrial environment allow us to offer programmes with a practical focus, with work placements in companies, and an international orientation that translates into many Erasmus mobility grants for students.
We currently offer bachelor’s degrees in industrial engineering (Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Railway Systems and Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering), ICT (Informatics Engineering) and marine environment (Marine Sciences and Technologies).
For students who wish to continue their studies, we offer master’s degrees in Advanced Studies in Design–Barcelona (MBDesign), Automatic Systems Engineering and Industrial Electronics and Railway Systems and Electric Traction.
As a public university, it is our mission and duty to serve society as effectively as possible, and we are determined to meet and exceed our students’ expectations. We have made a decision to pursue these goals in a sustainable way that respects the environment.
Welcome to our school.
Governing bodies
The organisational structure of the UPC Campus in Vilanova i la Geltrú comprises university officers (most of the members of the management team, and degree coordinators) and collegial bodies (the School Board and the main committees).
Director: The director represents the EPSEVG and performs the regular duties involved in direction and management. He or she is elected by means of a free, secret, weighted vote by all members of the EPSEVG community. The term of office is four years, and directors may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
Management team: The management team consists of the director, assistant directors and academic secretary. Assistant directors and the academic secretary are appointed by the director. The team is accountable to the Standing Committee and the School Board for its management. The management team is assisted in its work by the degree coordinators.
- Director: Marisa Zaragozá Monroig –
- Academic secretary: Rafael Morillas Varón –
- Head of Studies and Deputy Director of Academic Planning: Carles Batlle Arnau –
- Deputy Director of Research and Strategic Projects: Hernán González Rojas –
- Deputy Director for Promotion, Inclusion and Equality: Cristóbal Raya Giner –
- Deputy Director for Business and Infrastructures: Ignasi Perat Benavides –
- Deputy Director for Internationalisation and Students: Elisabet Arnó Macià –
- Deputy Director for Quality Policy: Eva Marín Tordera –
- Deputy Director for Teaching Innovation Project "Galàxia Aprenentatge": Lluís Monjo Mur –
UTG head of services: Montserrat Mestres Romeu –
Degree coordinators: Appointed by the director, degree coordinators have specific responsibilities in a particular area. Each degree has its own coordinator.
- Coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering: Jasmina Berbegal Mirabent –
- Coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering: Adrià Asensio Garcia –
- Coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Electronics: Jaume Miret Tomàs –
- Coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Railway Systems: Lluís Monjo Mur –
- Coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering: Lluís Monjo Mur –
- Coordinator of the bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering: Antonio Sánchez Egea –
- Coordinador of the bachelor's degree in Marine Sciences and Technologies: Joaquim del Rio Fernández –
- MUESAEI coordinator: Ramon Guzmán Solà –
- Coordinator of the master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Design–Barcelona: Enric Trullols i Farreny –
Student delegate: Nora Brotons Roman –
If you want to know the Vilanova i la Geltrú Engineering School, look at our bachelor's and master's degrees and find out what make us different.
School Board: The EPSEVG’s governing body and its highest representative body. Its functions include approving EPSEVG policy with respect to actions that affect degree programmes, research and its own internal organisation; approving the strategic plan, the annual report and the School's budget; and establishing committees and proposing initiatives and goals. The School Board has 70 members – currently, 28 ex officio and 42 elected members. The ex officio members are the director, assistant directors, academic secretary, administrator, bachelor’s and master’s degree coordinators, a representative of each EPSEVG teaching department, and the student representative. The elected representatives are elected by and from among members of the various groups that make up the School. The School Board must hold an ordinary meeting at least once a year. Membership of the Board is renewed every four years, and the student representative is updated every year.
Standing Committee: The School Board’s executive and permanent representative body. The Standing Committee’s functions include all those related to the School’s day-to-day operation, including the organisation of teaching activity and drafting of internal regulations. It is made up of 15 elected members plus ex officio members. The ex officio members are the director, assistant directors, academic secretary and UTG head of services. The elected representatives are elected by and from among the members of the various groups that sit on the School Board. The Standing Committee must hold an ordinary meeting at least three times a year. The membership of the Standing Committee is renewed when members are elected to the School Board. The student representative is updated every year.
Deliberative and consultative bodies with specific functions corresponding to their area of responsibility. These bodies organise their own functioning, prepare proposals, and report on their work to the Standing Committee and, where appropriate, the School Board. Depending on the committee, they are made up of ex officio and elected or appointed members. Elected members are renewed when the membership of the School Board is renewed. The student representative is updated every year, and vacancies are also filled yearly. The EPSEVG has the following consultative committees: functions of committees
- Finance and Infrastructure Committee (CEI): Deals with financial management and the School’s infrastructure. The CEI has 10 members
- Quality and Academic Assessment Committee (CQAA): Focuses on ensuring the quality of courses taught at the School and assessing the activity and teaching of departments and academic staff. The CAA has ten members.
- Teaching Coordination Committee (CCD): Deals with the planning, organisation, coordination and management of teaching and academic activity. The CCD has 17 members.
- Research and Business Relations Committee (CRRE): Promotes, supports and coordinates research and technology transfer. The CRRE has 13 members.
- Informatics Degree Committee (CTI): Focuses on assessing and improving the bachelor’s degree in Informatics and prepares reports for the Teaching Coordination Committee.
- Mechanical Engineering Degree Committee (CTM):Focuses on assessing and improving the bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and prepares reports for the Teaching Coordination Committee.
- Industrial Electronics Degree Committee (CTEI):Focuses on assessing and improving the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Electronics and prepares reports for the Teaching Coordination Committee.
- Electrical Engineering Degree Committee (CTE):Focuses on assessing and improving the bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and prepares reports for the Teaching Coordination Committee.
- Design Degree Committee (CTD):Focuses on assessing and improving the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design and prepares reports for the Teaching Coordination Committee.
- MUESAEI Degree Committee (CT MUESAEI):Focuses on assessing and improving the MUESAEI degree and prepares reports for the Teaching Coordination Committee.
- MBDesign Degree Committee (CT MBDesign): Focuses on assessing and improving the MBDesign degree and prepares reports for the Teaching Coordination Committee.
Teaching and research activity is carried out by the School’s various Departments.
The Vilanova Campus hosts the UPC’s Accessibility Chair which is mainly involved in managing projects related to universal accessibility, design for all and disability.
The UPC's University Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology focuses on promoting sustainability in architecture, science and engineering.