Masters and Postgraduate Degrees in Engineering

University Master's Degree and Lifelong Learning studies at the UPC Vilanova campus


Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Design-Barcelona (MBDesign)
Master’s degree

Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Design-Barcelona (MBDesign)

It will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to create functional and aesthetically appealing products, while giving you the opportunity to explore the intersection between creativity, technology and innovation in the field of product design.

Master’s degree in Automatic Systems Engineering and Industrial Electronics (MUESAEI)
Master’s degree

Master’s degree in Automatic Systems Engineering and Industrial Electronics (MUESAEI)

You will have the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge in control, electronics and programming for the improvement of industrial processes and production optimisation. You will be able to design, implement and manage automated and electronic systems in various industrial sectors.

Master’s degree in Railway Systems and Electric Traction
Master’s degrees in Lifelong Learning

Master’s degree in Railway Systems and Electric Traction

It will give you specialised training in the field of rail transport infrastructures and technologies. It will enable you to manage and develop projects related to electric traction systems and ensure the efficient and sustainable operation of railway systems.

Postgraduate Microcredential in Cybersecurity in Railway Networks
Postgraduate Microcredential

Postgraduate Microcredential in Cybersecurity in Railway Networks

You will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to protect critical infrastructure in the rail transport sector against cyber threats. You will be trained as a professional capable of managing digital security challenges in this sector.

Postgraduate Microcredential in Metaverse and Mobility. How to Apply the Advantages of the Metaverse to Improve Mobility
Postgraduate Microcredential

Postgraduate Microcredential in Metaverse and Mobility. How to Apply the Advantages of the Metaverse to Improve Mobility

It will provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to develop innovative solutions that promote more efficient and sustainable transport through the use of augmented and virtual reality.