Engineering Degrees

Bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering
You will be trained in the fields of programming, computer architectures and networks, internet, operating systems and information management.

Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Railway Systems
Electric energy is currently an irreplaceable energy vector, without which we could not imagine our present-day world.

Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
You will gain knowledge of the conception, design and calculation of the mobile and structural elements of the machines.

Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering
You will learn the fundamentals and applications of electronics, knowledge of the analysis and synthesis of electrical and electronic circuits.

Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
You will train as a qualified professional to develop industrial design and product development activities with a strong multidisciplinary character.

Bachelor’s degree in Marine Sciences and Technologies
It is oriented towards the scientific and technical training of professionals to carry out research and consultancy work in the environmental and climate fields.

Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering - In extinction
Electric energy is currently an irreplaceable energy vector, without which we could not imagine our present-day world.