Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering

Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering

On the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering taught at the UPC campus in Vilanova i la Geltrú, you will acquire the fundamentals and applications of electronics, knowledge of the analysis and synthesis of electrical and electronic circuits, and industrial control and automation techniques. The degree also covers analogue, digital and power electronics, instrumentation, monitoring and supervision of control systems, industrial informatics, industrial communications and robotics.


What can I learn by taking the bachelor's degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering on the UPC Vilanova Campus?

Advanced Automation Technologies

Advanced Automation Technologies

Subjects are highly practical and oriented to Industry 4.0. Students learn about modern electronic instrumentation systems, communication systems and the modelling and simulation of industrial production systems, including robot production lines.

Renewable energies

Renewable energies

Using energy with respect for the environment is necessary for sustainable development. The bachelor's degree studies the management and saving of electrical energy, renewable energy sources and photovoltaic and wind energy systems.

Electric mobilitya

Electric mobility

The introduction of electric mobility in current means of transport is a contemporary fact, and strong growth is expected in the near future. Specific knowledge of electric vehicles and engines is imparted.

+8 Reasons to study this degree

Students’ experience

Acces information and curriculum of the Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering

4 years
Study load
240 ECTS credits (including the bachelor’s thesis). One credit is equivalent to 25-30 hours of study.
Minimum entrance mark (2024-2025 academic year)
First, second, third and fourth semesters: mornings and afternoons / Fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth semesters: afternoons
Fees and grants
Approximate fees per academic year: €1,107 Consult the public fees system based on income (grants and payment options)
Official degree
Recorded in the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities’ degree register
Coordinator of the bachelor’s degree
Jaume Miret Tomàs

Entry profiles for the degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering and Automation

The student who enters Electronic Engineering is characterized by his curiosity towards technology and electronic systems. He has a solid foundation in mathematics, physics and basic sciences, which allows him to analyze and solve technical problems with a logical and methodical approach. He shows a natural interest in technological advances that involve both practical work with electronic systems, and the use of simulation tools and computer-aided design. In addition, he has skills for collaborative work, a great willingness to learn new technologies and a proactive attitude towards adapting to a field in constant evolution. He is motivated above all by the desire to develop innovative solutions in key areas of technological progress.

Weighting of university entrance examinations (PAU)

Subject weighting table for the specific stage

Common access

Access to industrial engineering degrees at the UPC’s Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering is via the same pre-enrolment process for the 200 places available, which are divided between the following degrees:

Choosing a degree

The first academic year is common to all of the degrees. Once students have passed it, they can apply for admission to the degrees they wish to take, in order of preference. The School assigns students a specialisation in view of their applications and their academic records at the School.

Students who have passed the first academic year on industrial engineering degrees at the EPSEVG may be admitted to the second academic year of the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering, depending on their academic records and the number of places available.


Entrance routes and enrolment.

Validation of higher training cycles (CFGS)

Validation of higher training cycles (CFGS)

Legalisation of documents

All documents issued in countries outside the European Union must be legalised through diplomatic channels or carry the corresponding apostille.

Seventh semester

Eighth semester

  • Obligatory186 ECTS
  • Optional30 ECTS
  • Bachelor's thesis24 ECTS

Check the recommendations for the order of enrollment of the subjects, as well as the semester in which teaching is offered. Semester 1 (Q1) runs from September to January and Semester 2 (Q2) runs from February to June.


Optional credits can be obtained by taking optional subjects or by other means.


Specific optional subjects of the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering


Cross-curricular electives

  • Industry 4.0 Itinerary

  • Social Itinerary

  • Teams Itinerary

  • Internationalization Itinerary

If the 18 credits of the same itinerary are exceeded, an accrediting diploma will be issued, upon request to the SIAE, through the Demana.


Profiles of graduates of the bachelor's degrees in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering

The Degree in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering prepares students to work as professionals in one of the most advanced and relevant technological fields in the world today. It provides a solid scientific and technological foundation, and equips future engineers with the flexibility and versatility needed to conceive, design and produce analog, digital and power electronic systems, as well as industrial control and automation solutions.

In addition, the multidisciplinary training of the degree facilitates the integration in teams with professionals from other technological disciplines and the making of technical decisions based on economic criteria, quality and, especially, safety, sustainability and ethics.

Knowledge acquired includes areas such as analog, digital and power electronics, instrumentation, monitoring and control systems supervision, industrial computing, industrial communications and robotics.

Regulated profession
Professional opportunities

Tutorial action on each degree is conceived as a service for students in which tutors guide, inform and advise them on how the University works and how it is regulated.

Their main functions are listed below.

In the Tutorial Action Plan, each student on each degree is assigned a tutor from the group of tutors for the corresponding stage:

Tutors for the initial stage teach in the first half of the degree and tutors for the final stage teach in the second half of the degree.

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AQU Catalunya information
Basic information - Test results - Degree data