Mobility programmes
The System for Exchanges Between Spanish University Institutions (SICUE) is a mobility programme that enables students enrolled in Spanish universities to complete part of their studies at another Spanish university. The system ensures that participants receive academic recognition and recognition of their learning achievement, and that exchange studies are a good fit with their academic profile.
The Erasmus + programme is an EU programme that aims to promote mobility and foster knowledge in higher education and help young people gain access to the world of work. Young participants (students and adults) gain experience and knowledge by completing a period of study and training abroad.
Participants receive academic recognition for the studies they complete at the foreign university.
Erasmus+ studies is open to the participation of institutions in EU member states and partner countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway and Turkey. Not Switzerland.
The UPC-Europe programme aims to promote mobility through exchanges with Swiss universities, a number of universities in Great Britain, and other European universities that are not eligible to participate in the Erasmus+ programme.
This programme enables students to participate in academic exchanges with Chinese universities with which the UPC has bilateral agreements. The mobility period lasts one semester, and the focus is on completing a bachelor’s or master’s thesis at the host university.
The Latin America programme allows students to participate in academic exchanges with Latin American universities with which UPC schools have collaboration agreements.
A mobility programme that enables students to take part in academic stays at universities in Asia and Oceania with which UPC schools have student exchange agreements.