Calendar and procedure
Information meetings |
12 November 2024 at 15:00h at the Lecture Hall. 28 November 2024 at 12:30h at the Lecture Hall. 20 February 2025 at 12.30h |
Application (e-secretaria) | From 24 February to 9 March 2025 |
Submission of documents and certification of language competence (by submitting a ticket via the Demana app) | From 24 February to 9 March 2025 |
Decision on assignment of places | 17 March 2025 |
Acceptance of assigned places | From 17 to 20 March 2025 |
Specific information meetings |
Mobility Q1 Procedures, 3 April 2025. Mobility Q2 Procedures, 25 September 2025. |
To be assigned a mobility place, you must go through a selection process that involves the following steps:
- Apply for the place(s) you are interested in via the e-secretaria (You can select up to five destinations in order of priority).
- Submit the following documents by creating a ticket at Demana EPSEVG with the help topic: USD Mobilitat / Outgoing (estudiants):
- CV (in English except for destinations in Latin America)
- Covering letter
- Certification of your level of competence in the foreign language required
Please bear in mind the following:
SICUE and UPC-Xina programmes are centrally managed by the UPC and have their own procedure, calendar and application forms. The International Relations Office will publicise calls for these programmes so students may participate in them.
After applications have been received from students, the International Relations Office will prioritise and assign places based on objective criteria, including grade point average, the documents submitted, level of language competence, etc.
You will be able to see the place you have been assigned in the Mobility section of the e-Secretaria. You must accept or decline the place before the deadline indicated.
Once the mobility place assigned have been accepted, the international relations office will nominate you to the destination university as the students selected for the exchange.
From that moment on, you need to take the following steps:
Host university application form:
You need to fill in the admission form and provide any documents requested by your host university by the deadline indicated. Bear in mind that each university has a different deadline. When you have received confirmation of acceptance from your host university, you must send a copy of the acceptance letter or e-mail to the International Relations Office, indicating the start and end date of your period of study.
EPSEVG Learning agreement: The document that specifies the studies you will pursue at the host university and the subjects that will be validated when you return. It is your responsibility to provide information on the topics covered in the subjects you wish to take at the host university to the coordinator of your degree so that he/she can determine whether or not they can be validated. Learning agreements must be signed by the degree coordinator and the Head of studies.
Learning Agreement: The document that specifies the subjects you will take at the host university. This document must be signed by the student concerned and signed and stamped by the home university and the host university.
The Online Learning Agreement (OLA) can be found in your e-secretariat (left menu). It is necessary to fill in the corresponding data and save. Once saved, if it is correct, the document is validated and sent directly to the EPSEVG for electronic signature, and then to the host university. It is possible to follow-up the status of the signature procedure from the e-secretariat. This document can also be modified if necessary.
In universities where they do not yet work with OLA, it will be necessary to prepare the document version, as in destinations outside Europe. In this case, the Learning Agreement option will not appear in the mobility menu e-secretariat and you will have to download the corresponding model:
Compulsory insurance::
- European Health Insurance Card: You must apply for a European Health Insurance Card through the National Social Security Institute (INSS), via the INSS website or in person at one of their offices.
- The mobility stay involves the contracting of compulsory insurance that will be carried out automatically at the time of the enrollment if you hire it from OnCampus Estudia(insurance company recommended by the UPC). Exceptionally in the case of going to the United States of America, the registration fee will not be charged, but will be contracted directly with Oncampus Estudia. This insurance covers the student during the period of their stay abroad with the following coverage, among others:
- Medical assistance (diagnostic tests and surgical interventions)
- Accidents (permanent disability benefit and death benefit)
- Repatriation in the event of death
For those mobilities that start before the enrollment period, the student will be in charge of contracting the mandatory insurance through the web OnCampus Estudia and keep the copy of the policy in the e-Secretaria to be validated.
- Bank account details:
If you have applied for a mobility grant, you must provide your bank account details in the mobility section on the e-Secretaria. The bank account may be the same one used to pay your tuition fees or a different one, but you must be the account holder. - If you are applying for an Erasmus+ grant, you must also complete and submit the following documents:
- Grant application form (e-Secretaria). Downloaded once the grant has been applied for and it must be attached in e-secretaria, mobility - documentation section, within the period indicated for validation.
- Financial agreement (e-Secretaria).
- Initial language test Online Linguistic Support (OLS).
Enrollment at the EPSEVG:
Enrollment for the EPSEVG will be done online from the day you are assigned and which you can check at the e-secretaria.
- Enrollment will be made for the total number of credits to be taken during the mobility in the case of subjects and, if applicable, the Final Degree or Master's Project.
- You can only register EPSEVG subjects for distance learning if you have the written permission of the coordinator of the subject and send it to the international relations office to include them in the potential enrollment list.
For further information about obligations as beneficiaries of the Erasmus Scholarship check the following link:
Once you have started your period of study at the host university, you must save in your e-secretaría the following documents signed and stamped:
Certificate of arrival
- Certificate of arrival template for Erasmus+ Mobility (e-secretaria)
- Certificate of arrival template for other mobility programmes
Learning agreement. If you did not have it signed by the host university before starting your stay, once you have joined, you must keep it signed and stamped in your e-secretaria.
Final Degree or Master’s Project proposal:
If you will be completing a Bachelor’s or Master's project during your period of study abroad, within the first month of your stay you must send us the proposal for the thesis you plan to complete.
Thesis proposal template.
After your period of study abroad has ended, you must formalise your academic stay by submitting the following documents:
Certificate of attendance
This is a certificate that specifies the start and end date of your period of study abroad. It must be signed and stamped by the host university and you must keep in your e-secretaria.
Bear in mind that the date on the certificate cannot be before the end date of the period of study, and that certificates to which corrections have been made will not be accepted.
- Erasmus+ template(e-secretaria)
- Template for other mobility programmes
Academic transcript
This a certificate with the courses and grades obtained in the host university. Depending on the university, this transcript can be given to the student or sent directly to the EPSEVG International Relations Office. When the grades are given directly to the student, only the original document will be accepted, any digital certificates must be sent directly from the host university.
Bachelor’s or master's project report
If you complete your bachelor’s or master's project report during the period of study abroad, you will have to submit the following documents to the International Relations Office:
- Bachelor’s or master's thesis report in digital format
- Thesis summary in English and Spanish/Catalan
- Authorisation to disseminate the thesis via UPCommons
Application for recognition of optional credits for mobility
In accordance with EPSEVG academic regulations, students may have up to three ECTS credits recognised for having completed a period of study abroad. You may also have up to three additional ECTS credits by “recognised activities” if after returning you write a report and record a short video on your stay and share your experience with other EPSEVG students in an information session on mobility programmes.
EPSEVG mobility survey
From the International Relations office we will send you a survey about your mobility that will help us to know some details of your experience and to improve our service.
Erasmus+ grant recipients
If you received an Erasmus+ grant, you will be sent a link by e-mail at the end of your period of study abroad so that you can take a final language test and fill in the Erasmus+ mobility survey.