Sylvia Earle

An honorary doctorate is one of the highest distinctions in the academic world. It recognises the personal and scientific merits of the person who receives it, in addition to highlighting links between the values of the distinguished person and those of the University itself.
Dr Sylvia Earle has a doctorate from Duke University, has been awarded 32 honorary degrees and has authored more than 225 scientific, technical and popular science publications, including 14 books. She has lectured in more than 100 countries and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programmes. Her research focuses on the ecology and conservation of marine ecosystems and the development of technology to access the deep ocean.
Beyond her scientific activity, Sylvia Earle is an explorer with the National Geographic Society, the president of Mission Blue, the founder of Ocean Elders and the director of corporate and non-profit organisations such as the Kerr McGee Corporation, Dresser Industries, Oryx Energy, Undersea Industries (Scubapro), the Aspen Institute, the Conservation Fund, Conservation International, the Earth Conservation Corps, Divers Alert Network, One World One Ocean, American Rivers, Mote Marine Laboratory, Duke University Marine Laboratory, Rutgers Institute for Marine Science, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, the Oceanic Society, World Wildlife Fund US and WWF International, the Marine Conservation Institute and Ocean Futures.
You can find her complete biography on the Mission Blue website (
The UPC shares with Dr Earle the fight for sustainability and to preserve the health of the oceans to guarantee our own health and that of the planet, as well as the conviction that we have a role to play in raising awareness of this necessary and urgent endeavour. In addition to her scientific career linked to ocean conservation, she has a very prominent social role and is a female role model in a society in which female role models are still scarce. The UPC, a university that is committed to fighting for gender equality, works to make visible and to emphasise the careers of women who are role models like Dr Earle.
Ceremony held on October 28 at 12 p.m. at the Teatre Principal de Vilanova i la Geltrú.
09.15h. Welcome a la UPC Vilanova.
09.40h. UPC Vilanova Honor book signature.
09.50h. Meeting with the students of the Degree in Marine Sciences and Technologies.
12.00h. Beginning of the Academic Act.
Welcome from the Rector of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Dr. Daniel Crespo.
Reading of the Agreement of the Governing Council, by the general secretary, Mrs. Ana B. Cortinas.
Laudatio of the godfather, Dr. Michel André.
Act of investiture of Dra. Sylvia A. Earle as honorary degree by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
Speech of the new honorary graduated, Dra. Sylvia A. Earle.
Speech of the Rector, Dr. Daniel Crespo.
Gaudeamos igitur
The day in images

Arribal at the UPC Vilanova

Signature in the UPC Vilanova Honor Book

Teaching in the Degree of Marine Sciences and Technologies


Dr. Sylvia Earle with the Rector, the Dean and the Godfather

Signature of dedications
Video of the ceremony
Taula de continguts
00:10 Beginning
02:30 Welcome from the rector of the Universitat Politèncica de Catalunya, Prof. Daniel Crespo
02:48 Reading og the Governing Council's decision by the general secretary, Ms. Ana B. Cortinas
06:40 Oration for Dr. Sylvia A. Earle by the sponsor, Dr. Michel André
18:48 Conferral of the honorary doctorate in Dr. Sylvia A. Earle by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
22:12 Acceptance speach by Dra. Sylvia A. Earle
1:05:50 Greeting of young students to Dr. Sylvia Earle
1:07:18 Musical moment by the Swing Live Trio
1:09:48 Speach by the rector, Prof. Daniel Crespo
1:23:22 Gaudeamus igitur by the Isquione Choir and Pau Sandaran piano
1:26:33 Musical moment by the Swing Live Trio
Sylvia Earle at the UPC Vilanova

Allò que el mar amaga...
From October 10 to November 11, don't miss the exhibition of photographs of diver Marina Sospedra which we will exhibit at the EPSEVG Library

Research Café
In this Research Café, projects are presented where technology is put to the service of the seas and oceans.

Plastic Free Beach
Plastic collection contest and BeerVolley games on the beach on October 27 sponsored by RocRoi.
A life in the oceans
More information and related news
Oration for Mr. Michel André and acceptance speech by Sylvia A. Earle