Master's degree in Railway System and Electrical Drive

Master’s degree in Railway System and Electrical Drive

Gain an education to lead the future of rail transport with the sector’s main operators and companies. You will train in the operation and use of rail services, rolling stock and vehicle maintenance, electrification and energy, signalling, communication and rail traffic management, and you will visit manufacturers, workshops, facilities and control centres. The master’s degree offers the possibility of work placement at rail companies that very often leads to employment. UPC-specific master’s degree. Further information

The introduction of high-speed trains in this country has demonstrated that rail can be a competitive and efficient system of transport. The future of mobility involves developing this means of transport, which offers environmental and economic advantages. This degree aims to become a benchmark in education on the technical aspects of rail transport and to fill a void that existed in Catalonia.

Rail companies in the sector will be able to meet their needs for technical education. The aim is for the master’s degree to produce graduates who are able to work in electrification, overhead line maintenance, signalling and train protection.

Outstanding specialists in railway systems, some of whom lead the sector’s most important companies, contribute to the master’s degree. They explain their experiences to students with the aim of sharing their knowledge of leading companies. The training provided is designed to meet the needs of organisations.


Aimed at

If you are interested in taking this master’s degree but your financial resources are insufficient, contact us (tel. +34 93 707 31 32, e-mail ) and we will provide information on discounts and financial aid.



The master’s degree is divided into the modules described below.

If you do not wish to take the entire master’s degree, you can enrol in one or more modules.


  1. Railway Systems - 3 ECTS credits
  2. Communications for Railways - 3 ECTS credits
  3. Electricity and Mechanics for Railways - 3 ECTS credits
  4. Railway Infrastructure - 3 ECTS credits
  5. Intercity High-Speed and Passenger Services - 3 ECTS credits
  6. Railway Signalling - 3 ECTS credits
  7. Electric Traction - 3 ECTS credits
  8. Rolling Stock Elements  
  9. Engineering and Maintenance
  10. Railway Infrastructure
  11. Trains and Energy
  12. Substations and Networks
  13. Electrification and Overhead Lines
  14. Communications for Railways
  15. Train Protection Systems
  16. Technical Operation of Railway Infrastructure
  17. Design and Management of New Railway Lines
  18. Master’s Thesis  
Content of the subjects

Academic director

Teaching staff


60 ECTS credits (502 class hours)


From October 2024


Taught at

Polytechnic School of engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú. EPSEVG

Av. Víctor Balaguer, 1

Vilanova i la Geltrú


Telèfon: (34) 93 707 31 32


Master’s degree awarded by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. To be awarded the master’s degree, students must have an official university degree or a university-specific degree. If this is not the case, students will be awarded a programme completion certificate by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya.

Enrolment fee

€ 9.900

The total enrolment fee must be paid before the master’s degree begins

A voluntary contribution of €5 may be made when one enrols. This donation is part of the UPC’s 0.7% campaign and it contributes to development cooperation initiatives.

Paying in instalments

Enrolment fees may be paid in two instalments:

2024 Edition information

Next edition

October 2024



(502 class hours)


Friday: from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Saturday: from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Thursday: visits to companies and facilities

Taught at

Polytechnic School of engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú. EPSEVG

Enrolment fee

€ 9.900

Teaching Language
