

UPC-Vilanova favors the inclusion of students with special educational needs who want to study at our school.

The school applies a set of measures adapted to each case to ensure equal opportunities for all.

If you have special educational needs, follow these steps:


If you have any questions, contact us by email ( i/o telephone (+34683554502)


To complete the process:

  • You will be called for an interview with UPC Inclusion managers

  • You will receive confirmation of the resolution of your case

  • Finally, the measures corresponding to your personal conditions will be applied

Counselling services:

Counselling services

At the UPC Vilanova, every two weeks, you will find a professional who will offer psychological guidance.

This service already exists on other UPC campuses and is aimed at anyone in the UPC community (students, PDI or PTGAS) with the requirement that the person requesting it is not undergoing any psychological or psychiatric treatment.

A maximum of 4 free sessions are offered with the aim of promoting personal stability both academically and at work.