

The UPC declares that sexual harassment and/or harassment because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression cannot be permitted or tolerated in any circumstances. This kind of behaviour cannot be ignored and must be punished.

Consequently, the UPC's gender equality plan includes an action and prevention protocol action and prevention protocol to deal with sexual harassment and/or harassment because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

At every UPC school, there is a person responsible for dealing with matters related to sexual harassment. Members of the EPSEVG management team can provide you with more information.

We encourage you to let us know if you have any suggestions or proposals and strongly urge you to report any incident of sexual harassment that you have experienced or witnessed.  

We must be vigilant to ensure that there are no cases of harassment or offensive behaviour, such as:

Enginy (in) VISIBLE is a female outreach program that presents the lives of women and their discoveries or contributions, which have changed history and made humanity progress. Access to all chapters.

Espai Lila:
Promoting the goal of Equality on the UPC Vilanova Campus

The regular meetings at the 'Espai Lila' are the first Thursday of each month at 12.30 pm, in the EPSEVG Library.
