
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (2024/2025)

Oct 11, 2023

The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong is launching the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme for the intake of the academic year 2024/2025. This Scheme aims to attract top international students to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong’s world-class research universities.

At present, the fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$27,600 (approx. 3,320 EUR) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,800 (approx. 1,660 EUR) per year, for a period of three years.

A total of 300 fellowships will be awarded for PhD studies commencing in the 2024/2025 academic year.

Deadline to submit applications: December 1st, 2023


More information:

For more detailed information on application procedures and the participating universities in Hong Kong, please refer to the Scheme’s poster and leaflet ; or you can visit the  website thorugh this link.

University Grants Committee Secretariat of Hong Kong