
Antwerp Summer University 2021

Apr 08, 2021

Antwerp Summer University announces  18 summer schools.

This year Antwerp University will offer courses on campus and online. If covid-19 won’t allow to organise the on-campus summer schools in Antwerp, some of these will be turned into full-fledged online alternatives.

  • All programmes offer high quality education (lectures, visits, workshops).
  • Participants can acquire ECTS credits upon successful completion.
  • Target groups are different for each programme (students, researchers and/or professionals).
  • Scholarships and reduced fees are available for various summer schools.
  • Fun & interesting social activities are organised on evenings and in weekends.
  • 98% of last year's participants would recommend Antwerp Summer University to others.
Summer school on Campus:
Digital Summer Shools:
More information available at: