Internships at EPSEVG

Students that would like to come to EPSEVG for an internship stay, should contact the responsible person of the research group they would be interested to work with, in order to confirm if the group could host them and, if so, the working plan and the dates of the internship.

General considerations




UPC Vilanova i la Geltrú Campus research groups


Marine Science and Technology

Cultural Heritage Science and Technology

 Industrial Design / Accessibility Engineering

 Electrical Engineering, Energy and Sustainability

 Electronic, Automatic and Robotics Engineering

 Mechanical, Materials and Process Engineering

 Information Technology / Mathematics


Analysis of Materials and Cultural Heritage (AMPC)

Study of cultural heritage materials: characterisation of materials, study of ageing and alteration processes and artistic and production techniques. These studies go beyond analysis and aim to provide information of interest to historians, conservators, art restorers and archaeologists, obtained through the use of both conventional analysis and characterisation methods (SEM/EDS, FTIR, XRD, etc.) and methods of analysis that involve the use of large equipment, such as techniques based on synchrotron light.

Accessibility Chair (CATAC) 

The Accessibility Chair (CATAC) specialises in projects related to universal accessibility, design for all and disability.

Results obtained are related to RDI, technology transfer, and training and communication.

CATAC provides added value in the identification of needs, resources and partnerships in order to ensure achievement of objectives in projects by engaging various actors (public sector, private sector, organisations representing people with disabilities, and the UPC itself). The Chair also provides support to organisations on decisions related to universal accessibility and social and labour-market inclusion of people with disabilities.

Technical Research Centre for Dependency Care and Autonomous Living (CETpD) 

Research and innovation in the fields of human movement, social robotics and mental health. The CETpD focuses mainly on technology applications related to health and wellness (e-health).

Light Alloy and Surface Treatment Design Centre (CDAL)

The CDAL is a consolidated research group with experience in research and technology transfer in component manufacturing, especially for the aeronautics and automotive sectors and processing industries. The group’s areas of expertise are forming with metallic materials, especially light alloys (aluminium and magnesium), and surface engineering of both technical and decorative coatings.

Advanced Network Architectures Research Centre (CRAAX)

CRAAX is a multidisciplinary team (ICT, medicine, mathematics) that works on developing intelligent technology for application to various verticals. CRAAX’s main working areas are network management (new network architectures), cloud y fog computing (particularly their integration), security (particularly in IoT/edge/fog/cloud computing and the critical infrastructure sector), data management (adapted to the IoT environment), and adaptation of new solutions to facilitate deployment of the IoT paradigm in various verticals (medicine, the car industry, industry 4.0, smart cities, smart transportation, etc.). In addition to working on the design of proposed solutions and their implementation in code, the team also focuses on analytical modelling and the optimisation of scenarios and solutions under consideration. CRAAX has deployed a test bed that emulates a smart city in order to assess and validate technologies developed within the group. CRAAX’s activity is sustained thanks to its participation in various European and Spanish projects and work done under contracts with leading ICT companies.

Electronically Commutated Motor Drives Group (GAECE)

The GAECE focuses on the study of electric motors, generators and electronically commutated drives. The group also conducts research on electropulse- and vibration-assisted manufacturing. The GAECE’s main technological capabilities are:

Innovation in Systems for Engineering Design and Education (INSIDE)

The INSIDE research group focuses on innovation, development and research related to sustainable and ergonomic energy recovery systems. The group also carries out RDI activities related to systems, methods and strategies for applying multimedia and audiovisual tools to design and technology training.

Applied Bioacoustics Laboratory (LAB)

This research laboratory is staffed by a team of engineers, mathematicians, physicists and biologists. It is the first European laboratory whose main objective is to study and develop technological solutions (based on a multidisciplinary approach) to help ensure that maritime activities are carried out in a responsible way. The solutions developed address requirements established by local, national and international institutions, as well as the demands of society as a whole, by creating mechanisms for controlling noise pollution in the marine environment.

Remote Acquisition and Data Processing Systems (SARTI)

Scientific and technological development of equipment and systems for remote data acquisition, with particular emphasis on virtual and oceanographic instrumentation, including simulation methods and statistical analysis, and using cutting-edge electronic design techniques.

Electronic Power and Control Systems (SEPIC)

This group’s research focuses on control of power converters for various applications, such as uninterruptible power supply systems, unit power factor rectifiers, active power filters, inverters for renewable energy systems, etc. Control strategies are implemented via electronic controllers, using digital solutions based on digital signal processors. The research team transfers its results to companies within the framework of projects and under the terms of research contracts.

Number Theory (TN)

This group belongs to the Barcelona Number Theory Seminar, which was founded in 1986 and includes over 30 UPC, UB and UAB professors. The group works in various fields within its area of specialisation, including arithmetic geometry, computational number theory, Hopf-Galois theory, elliptic curves and abelian varieties, Shimura varieties, and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. For more information on the group’s activities, visit