Information for companies

Information for companies

Collaborate with the EPSEVG within an international framework.


One of the assets of the EPS is the new approach of collaboration between universities and companies. By participating in the EPS, companies have the opportunity of developing one of their projects from a multidisciplinary perspective and take profit of the academic supervision offered by the School of Engineering.

For a period of 4 months (from February to June) an international and multidisciplinary group of motivated students will work on a project provided by a Spanish company. The results of the project are enriched by the different background of students, in as far as their nationalities and academic backgrounds (such as computer science, electronic, mechanical, management, business…).

The project development is guided by two coaches: a university coach and a company coach, who will also work together to monitor and assess the outcomes of the project.

The EPS programme meets the new social needs and demands of companies by helping students to develop the following skills:

Projects are carefully chosen to fulfil the requisites of the EPS programme as well as the demands of the providing company. Some academic research projects can also be accepted.

EPS projects need to be interdisciplinary and enable the interaction of a mixture of engineering and management disciplines. Students will be assigned according to their academic background and the specific profile required by each project.

It should take students no more than 3 months to complete the project. Considering the limited amount of time to develop the project, it is important that students can work towards a result. One of the first tasks of the students will be to discuss the project with its provider in order to limit, conceive and understand the problem.

The students will have a workspace at the university with facilities such as computers and telephones. However, the project progress will be benefited, if the students are able to visit the company involved.

We would like to welcome projects from all categories, but we are especially interested in environmentally-oriented project proposals. The EPS creates the perfect international setting to illustrate the different approaches that different countries give to the environmental problems.

The language of communication is English.

If your company would like to submit a project proposal please contact us in order to discuss the development possibilities of your proposal.

The following information might be helpful for a better understanding of the project:

Document: Project proposal template

Two coaches will be assigned to each group: a university coach and a company coach. One of the goals of the EPS is to develop the initiative, creativity and responsibility of the students.

The university coach will guide the process of the project-based work. If several disciplines are involved in the project, two academic coaches can be nominated. The university coach will meet with the group every week in order to monitor the performance of students and the progress of the assignment.

The supervisor will keep track of the project’s progress and make sure that every member of the group contributes to the teamwork. At least twice during the semester, the university coach will also accompany the group to the company for which the project will be carried out.

The company will assign at least one project supervisor, called the company coach. The group will keep the company coach up to date on the progress of the project by submitting a weekly progress report. The company coach is the group’s main contact in the company.

The company coach will be more concerned with the content of the project. It is also important that the company coach meets regularly with the group of students, if possible on a weekly or biweekly basis.

Students will start working on the project assignment during the third week of the program. One of the first tasks of the students will be to discuss the project with the company coach in order to limit, conceive and understand the problem.