50 years UPC

In 2021, our university, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, will turn 50. A decree issued in March 1971 approved the creation of the Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona; in 1984, the University adopted its current name.
Our history, written by the people who have been part of our university, is the history of a set of academic units, some of them schools over 100 years old that were founded before the UPC itself.
We have schools and campuses all over Catalonia and aim to contribute to its society’s well-being and development. We can proudly say that we have been part of its progress over the last 50 years.
Our teaching of architecture, sciences, engineering and technology, and our graduates’ careers have played key roles in this progress. As a public university, all our efforts have been driven by our sense of responsibility towards the society we serve, and the regions our campuses are located in have engaged and participated in these efforts.
Over these 50 years, the UPC has become Catalonia’s leading technological university, but we want to go further. We need to look ahead while keeping this sense of responsibility and involvement in our society.
We aim to celebrate this half-century by focusing on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 agenda that focuses on economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. We also want to celebrate our first 50 years of history throughout the 2020‑2021 years and we want everyone to take part.
We ask for your support and participation so that we can celebrate the University’s 50 years of history—our history—with a sense of pride and belonging
Daniel Crespo
Tuesday 15th December 2020
Science in times of pandemic. |

Thursday 7th October 2021
Opening of the exhibition "Past, present and future of the EPSEVG ". |

Opening of the exhibition "Selection of Bachelor's Tesis of the School". |

Friday 8th October 2021
Opening of a joint exhibition "Mathematical exposition" of the Museum of Mathematics of Catalonia and + STEAM! UPC Vilanova. . |

Thursday 14th October 2021 - Student's day
Polytechnic walk: "La Vilanova industrial". |
Inaugural ceremony of the academic year. |
"Human towers" performance and vermouth . |
Leisure and cultural activities organized by the associations. |
Bachelor's thesis presentation: session for known a selection of Bachelor's thesis, hand in hand of its authors. School's auditorium. |

Wednesday 20th October 2021
Challenging to Euclides You can book (presential or online) at : http://tiquets.mmaca.cat |

Wednesday 10th November de 2021
Opening of the exhibition "32 years of sports at the UPC" School Hall |
