Graduation ceremonies

Graduation ceremony for the 2022-2023 promotion

Last Saturday, November 18th, the Graduation Ceremony of the 2022/2023 took place at the Eduard Toldrà Auditorium in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

The event presented by the students, Maria Casals and Adrià Tort, was attended by 505 people including students, companions, teachers, staff and authorities. We have the participation of 122 graduates, accompanied by the Rector of the UPC, SR. Daniel Crespo, the Mayor of the City, SR. Juan Luis Ruiz, among other personalities related to our School and the city of Vilanova y la Geltrú.

The Director, Ms. Marisa Zaragozá opened the event and then we enjoyed the presentation of the sponsor of the event, the former teacher of the School, SR. Juan José Aliau.

The president of the UPC Alumni Vilanova Club, SR. Marc de Arias presented the “Vive la UPC” award, which aims to recognize the value and involvement of students in university life:

Òscar Martínez Graña, student of the Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Ferran Delgado Garcia, student of the Design Degree.

The Director of the Institutional Banking Catalonia-Balearics of the Caixa d'Enginyers, Mr. Eduard Barcons gave the awards to the students with the highest academic record in Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree:

Alexandre Gil Viudez, Electronic Engineering student, best academic record of the Bachelor's Degree.
Jaume Carol Fernández, highest academic record of the University Master's Degree in Engineering of Automatic Systems and Industrial Electronics.




Graduation ceremony for the 2021-2022 promotion

On November 25, 2022, the Graduation Ceremony of the 2021/2022 Promotion took place in La Daurada de Vilanova i la Geltrú.

The act presented by the students, Helena Tarrats and Ainhoa Maestro, was attended by 500 people. We have the participation of 128 graduates, accompanied by the Rector of the UPC, Mr. Daniel Crespo, the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Juan Ignacio Elena, the Minister of Social Rights, Mr. Carlos Campuzano, the Mayor of the City, Ms. Olga Arnau, among other personalities related to our School and the city of Vilanova i la Geltrú.

The Director of the UPC of Vilanova, Ms. Marisa Zaragozá, opened the event and was followed by the presentation given by the former student of the School, Ms. Natalia Vigo, project manager of the company Kongskilde Industries.

The Caixa d'Enginyers awarded the students with the best academic record in Engineering Degrees and the Master's Degree in Automatic Systems Engineering and Industrial Electronics for the 2021/2022 academic year. The delivery was made by the Director of the Vilanova office of Caixa d'Enginyers, Mr. Ignasi Fuentes and the students were:

Judit Cerdà, Computer Engineering student, best academic record of the Degrees of our School.

Marta Quintana, best academic record of the Master's Degree in Automatic Systems Engineering and Industrial Electronics.




Graduation ceremony for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 promotions

On October 1, 2021, the 2019-2020 Promotions Graduation Act took place and from 2020 to 2021 at the Mas Solers.

In the act presented by Clara Alba Mansilla, 440 people attended. We have the assistance of 226 graduates, companions, the Rector of the UPC, Mr. Daniel Crespo, the Secretary General of the Department of Research and Universities, Ms. Esther Morales and the Mayor of the City, Ms. Olga Arnau among other personalities related to our School and the city of Vilanova y la Geltrú.

The EPSEVG Director, Ms. Marisa Zaragozá, opened the event and then the presentation by Mr. Michel André, Director of the Bioacoustic Applications Laboratory, was heard.




Nuevos graduados

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2018-2019

Last Friday, January 31, the Graduation Act of the 2018-2019 Class took place.

In the act presented by Marc Linares Galdón, some 400 people attended. We have the attendance of 83 graduates, companions, staff of the School, and personalities related to our School and the city of Vilanova y la Geltrú.

The director of the EPSEVG, Frederic Vilà, opened the event and then the presentation was given by Helena Torras, managing partner of the company PAOCAPITAL.




Students 2019

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2017-2018

The graduation ceremony for the class of 2018 was held on 25 January.

Around 400 people attended the event, which was held at the Eduard Toldrà Auditorium in Vilanova i la Geltrú. Attendees included 86 graduates, their families, EPSEVG staff, and public figures linked to our school, the Executive Council of the UPC, and the city of Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Following opening remarks by the director of the EPSEVG, Frederic Vilà, a lecture was delivered by Tania Arellano, an account manager at Polyworks Europa and the holder of a bachelor’s degree in Design from the EPSEVG.




Students 2018

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2016-2017

For the second consecutive year, the ceremony was hosted by Marc Linares Galdón. The event, held at the Eduard Toldrà Auditorium, drew a capacity crowd of some hundred graduates, family members, EPSEVG staff, and public figures linked to our school, the Executive Council of the UPC, and the city of Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Following opening remarks by the director of the EPSEVG, Frederic Vilà, a lecture was delivered by Daniel Rallo, a business manager at the company OASYS.




Students 2017

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2015-2016

The completion of studies is a key milestone for the UPC and its students. The Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering (EPSEVG) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya held the graduation ceremony to recognise the commitment of new graduates and the effort they had invested in completing their degrees.

The ceremony for the class of 2016 was held at 7.00 p.m. on Friday, 27 January at the Eduard Toldrà Auditorium in Vilanova i la Geltrú.




Students 2016

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2014-2015

On 29 January 2016, the graduating ceremony for the class of 2015 of the Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering was held at the city’s Eduard Toldrà Auditorium..

The event was attended by the mayor of the city, Neus Lloveras; the rector of the UPC, Enric Fossas; the fourth deputy mayor and councillor for Innovation, ICT and TEGAR, Ariadna Llorens; the councillor for Education and Employment, Joan Martorell; and the director of the EPSEVG, Frederic Vilà.




Students 2015

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2013-2014

The graduation ceremony for the class of 2014 was held at 7.00 p.m. on Friday, 12 December at the Eduard Toldrà Auditorium in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

The event was attended by 150 students along with family and friends.

The presiding officer – Ignasi Ferrer, innovation director at Applus Idiada – delivered a lecture entitled “Global challenges in the automotive sector: smart vehicles”.




Students 2014

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2011-12 and 2012-13

The graduation ceremony for the classes of 2012 and 2013 was held at 7.00 p.m. on Friday, 29 November at the Eduard Toldrà Auditorium in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Joaquim Gay de Montellà, president of Foment del Treball (an employers’ association), acted as the presiding officer and gave the lecture “Business projects with a future”.




Students 2012 i 2013

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2010-2011

The graduation ceremony for the class of 2011 was held at 7.30 p.m. on 29 June at the Eduard Toldrà Auditorium in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Participants included the director of the EPSEVG, Enric Trullols; the UPC’s commissioner for Lifelong Learning, Joan Majó; and the mayor of the city, Neus Lloveras. The opening lecture was delivered by RENFE president Julio Gómez-Pomar.




Students 2011

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2009-2010

The EPSEVG’s second graduation ceremony was held at 7.30 p.m. on 8 July 2011 at the recently opened Eduard Toldrà Auditorium in Vilanova i la Geltrú. The event was attended by the campus director, Enric Trullols; the UPC’s vice-rector for Infrastructure, Josep Bosch; and the mayor of the city, Neus Lloveras. Also present was Talgo president Carlos de Palacio, who gave a lecture on the role his railway company plays in current relations between business and universities.




Students 2010

Graduation ceremony, Class of 2008-2009

The graduation ceremony took place at 7.30 p.m. on Friday, 18 June 2010 at the Teatre Principal in Vilanova i la Geltrú. The event was attended by the rector of the UPC, Antoni Giró; the mayor of the city, Joan Ignasi Elena; and the director of the School, Enric Trullols. The commissioner for Universities and Research, Joan Majó, was also present and delivered a lecture entitled “From the EPSEVG to the EHEA”.




Students 2009